Setting Parameters for PlainTalk Speech

Mr Tea mrtea at
Sun Oct 13 14:24:01 EDT 2002

This from Mac Dude - dated 12-10-02 11.54 pm:

> i tried an AS mail list and got nothing...

Speech, sadly, is a minority sport amongst AS users, and so is OS X.
> Under Mac OS 9 I used to be able to set the Rate, Pitch and Modulation
> of a voice by embedding some simple commands ("[[rate <rate>]]",
> "[[pBas <pitch>]]", and "[[pMod <modulation>]]"), the latter 2 no
> longer seem to work under OS X, only the rate command works.  Can
> anyone tell me how to control the voice settings?

Yep, there's definitely something screwy here, dude. On a quick walkthrough
it looks as if 'pbas' only works on the 'musical' voices and 'pmod' not at
all in OS X. Shame. Have you tried switching to phonemic input and using the
prosodic control symbols '/' and '\' to raise and lower pitch?

Mr Tea

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