OT Re: REALbasic vs. Revolution

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Fri Oct 11 22:08:01 EDT 2002

Well after reading all of this...I can't help but put in my 2 cents.

Troy, I must disagree with the notion you forward:

> My point is, until RunRev makes it possible - it ain't possible.
> Stacks with
> some transcript embedded in them may be handy-dandy work savers,
> but they're
> not adding any real new capabilities. I wouldn't even call them plugins
> personally. If this (pre-coded stacks) is what you are referring to... no
> offense meant... but... big deal. As far as I've seen, there is not one of
> them that adds anything real to the environment.

how about libURL? Talk about 'real new capabiities'!
In fact there are a number of revolution 'stacks' that are scripted
completely with transcript which are *very* powerful tools. I myself have
built an asynchronous http file transfer utility file upload (RFC1867
compatible) completely within RunRev which works very well. I believe there
are a number of very interesting possiblilities for plugins which can be
developed wholly inside RunRev.

Also, I must also say that if you want to add a feature...it *can* be done.
I recently presented a RR app with embedded IE browser to my client. I
believe there are 2 good reasons we don't see more 'C' plugins developed for

1) It's only a bit more than a year old and;
2) Many (like me) would like them developed cross-platform, Mac, Linux and
Windows. That takes a particular set of skills. But it is happening.

Kevin and Scott have to weigh the value of a feature on all platforms before
implementing it only on one (ex. throbbing buttons). As a previous rabid Mac
person, I'm well aware of the 'world revolves around us' mentality of Apple
users, but I believe great opportunity exists in the Windows and Linux
environments...perhaps more than in the Mac world.

Changing gears... interfaces...

I'm an older user...in fact I purchased a 128K Mac the first day it was
available. Back then, programmers had *no concept* of GUI -- so Apple
created the Human Interface Guidelines -- and a book "Tog on Interface" to
help programmers and a new breed of designers begin to 'standardize' on
interface design. I was one of these new designers. Apple hired me on a
number of occasions to help their clients design complex interfaces for
projects like Executive Information Systems and Video Effects Controllers.

Sticking to the interface was important up until...the advent of multimedia.
Then button rollovers, sounds, effects, beautiful revealling interfaces
changed it all. Kai Krause showed interfaces could be different, beautiful,
intuitive and still work. Though Apple still would like to see you stick
with their interface guidelines, the reality is that it's no more a
necessity. Good interface design *is* good interface design -- on any
platform (throbbing buttons notwithstanding;-).

The web came along and changed completely the interface paradigm. People
learned to 'search' for features and use 'back' buttons, be modal
etc...things the early Apple I/F authors would deplore! In fact a selling
point for some very high-end software is a ubiquitous interface across
platforms (Lightwave,Alias,Avid come to mind).

One thing I do admire about Windows, is the lack of a 'holy ordained look'
(just my opinion).


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