How real is the embedded web-page technique?

Dan Shafer dan at
Fri Oct 11 17:27:01 EDT 2002

At 4:41 PM -0400 10/11/02, Gary Rathbone wrote:
>Dan Shafer wrote :
>>I see lots of opportunity out there to create apps like this that
>>display rendered and interactive HTML in a pane with supplemental
>>controls and an improved UI embodied in the desktop app. In fact, I
>>think this represents an important direction for software development.
>Agreed, however we use multiple integrated applications on a daily basis eg
>spreadsheet in excel, create a graph, copy paste to word, type a few words,
>picture of the web and there's your report!
>There's no reason why you can't currently use rev as your "control panel"
>and a browser as your "display mechanism" with the users monitor as the

I understand the use of multiple interacting applications. I just 
don't think the solution is elegant. Rather it seems to me have 
emerged from the absence of truly integrated *solutions*.

Also, each time you add an app to this group, you create seams. Seams 
are where problems arise in applications and solutions. Users who 
don't have the right stuff or know how to use it can't make full use 
of the solution. IOW, this approach places more of a burden on the 
user and/or the user's system.

If incorporating an HTML rendering engine were hard, I wouldn't even 
suggest it. But it's only a moderately difficult task and we'll be 
seeing tons more apps which replace the general-purpose Web Browser 
with specialized browsers by this very mechanism. I'd just like to 
see Rev be one of the tools that allows that so I can keep using it 
for my applications!
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