How real is the embedded web-page technique?

Dan Shafer dan at
Thu Oct 10 19:15:01 EDT 2002

I differ slightly with you here, Jeanne. I think it is fine to say 
something like "Rev renders a sub-set of HTML on its own," but even 
the way it doesn't handle links (which is sooooo easy in Rev that 
it's obvious it could be "fixed" if there were a priority here) 
demonstrates that support is really, really weak.

Candidly, I'd like to see Rev tie up with someone like OmniWeb or 
iCab or Opera or someone, license a decent HTML rendering engine, 
slam it in the product (or offer it as a plug-in add-on) and let me 
get down to building some REAL Web apps without my having to muck 
with the HTML at all.

But that's just me.


At 2:30 AM -0400 10/10/02, Jeanne DeVoto wrote:
>Um... but it does render HTML, via the htmlText property. Not all of the
>HTML 4.0 spec, certainly, but it renders basic inline styling, images, and
>links. That's not enough for all purposes but it seems to me it is enough
>to say that Rev "renders HTML on its own".

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