how to send email with revolution?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Tue Oct 1 04:21:00 EDT 2002

Hi Sylvain,

If you're on a Mac and what you want to accomplish is
open the default email client and make it compose a
mail to a certain email address then simply do
  revGoURL "mailto:email.address at"

If on the other hand, you're not running on a Mac or
want to do it all by yourself, then you should have a
look at the SMTP library that Shao Sean wrote.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wsier and more foolish
at the same time."  (De Rochefoucald)

--- Sylvain_Le_Gourriérec
<sylvain.legourrierec at> wrote:
> I need some informations about that!
> thanks

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