Converting numbers to text and back

Dar Scott dsc at
Sat Nov 30 01:23:01 EST 2002

On Friday, November 29, 2002, at 08:42 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

> Well, I ran the code you provided and got "true" in the message box. Is 
> this
> what you want?

I apologize Ray.  I needed to run off and rattled off something too 
fast.  I should have waited until I could give this proper consideration 
and not waste your time.

Consider this:

on mouseUp
   set numberFormat to "0.0000000000000000"
   put 1/3 into f
   put empty into field "Report"
   repeat with theE = -100 to 100
     put f * 10 ^ theE into x
     put x & lineFeed after field "Report"
   end repeat
end mouseUp

For the first several rows I get zeros.  I really want small numbers.  
For the last few rows I get long numbers.

I think I have to find a way that does not use numberFormat.  Upon 
consideration that seems obvious.

I will experiment with format(), which I have ignored, thinking it was 
just there for C programmers.  Maybe I thought so before I understood 
more about Revolution numbers.

Dar Scott

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