Http or https

Troy Rollins troy at
Sat Nov 23 23:13:01 EST 2002

On 11/23/02 8:50 PM, "kee nethery" <kee at> wrote:

> We have databases of customer data that need to be searched for us to
> do customer support. We can live with HTTP for people on our internal
> LAN but we do have remote employees and they are not allowed to pass
> customer data via clear text. We could do a secure tunnel but setting
> that up and managing it would be a pain and expensive.

Exactly!! Perfect example Kee.

Kagi and the way that it needs to work share a lot in common with most
companies who have adapted to the internet as a way of operating.

Without secured networking on this level, one cannot challenge the browser
for application development - with it, developers can offer better software
solutions that employ the network, but are more optimized for the task at
hand than a web browser.

RPSystems, Ltd.

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