repeat string: how ?

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Nov 19 23:56:00 EST 2002

> Ken,
> Some remarks, if I may ...
> *) Your script asumes all arguments p1, p2 and p3 are filled when
> is called.

Actually, when I originally wrote it, I was not counting on having p1, p2
and p3 filled, but I failed to change the lines that said "put p1 into
pStartNum" to "if p1 is not empty then put p1 into pStartNum. The function
should have been:

function InitContainer pKind,pCount,p1,p2,p3
    if pCount<=0 then return("")
    if pCount= "" then return "Invalid number of arguments!"
    put 1 into tNumSteps
    put 1 into pStartNum
    put cr into tSeparator
    switch pKind
        case "n"
            if p1 is not empty then put p1 into pStartNum
            if p2 is not empty then put p2 into tNumSteps
            if p3 is not empty then put p3 into tSeparator
        case "s"
            put p1 into tString
            if p2 is not empty then put p2 into tSeparator
    end switch
    put "" into tResult
    set the lineDel to tSeparator
    repeat with x = pStartNum to (pStartNum+pCount) step tNumSteps
        if pKind = "n" then put x into line x of tResult
        if pKind = "s" then put tString into line x of tResult
    end repeat
    return tResult
end InitContainer

In this case, the only things necessary are pKind and pCount (for numbers)
and pKind, pCount and p1 (for strings).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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