Showing/Hiding Images on mouseLeave...

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Thu Nov 14 16:34:01 EST 2002

--- Igor de Oliveira Couto <info at>
> Dear Revolution Folks,
> Thank you all very much for your suggestions, re:
> problem with 
> mouseLeave/mouseEnter messages not being sent to an
> object if the 
> object is hidden while mouse is over it. 
> [snip]
> > Easiest solution would be to stick with a 'one
> image,
> > many pictures' approach, and handle all the
> messages
> > from within a single object, setting the fileName
> to
> > the different states.
> Yes, indeed! If I could only refer to images INSIDE
> the stack, instead 
> of having to use EXTERNAL references, this could
> perhaps work... See, 
> the 'skin' file has to be a self-contained entity -
> ie, it has to have 
> all the images that the user needs INSIDE it. Having
> your skin file 
> refer to 30-odd external image files makes for a
> very unpractical way 
> for users to share their skins!

Hi Igor,

A 'devious' workaround for this limitation would be
the following:
- store the entire collection of pictures in custom
properties (one per file with 'set the
uPictures[tFileName] of this stack to URL
- on openStack you 'unpack' the images, placing them
in a temporary directory
- then you point the fileName property of the image to
the 'unpacked' file in that temporary directory

This way you still have only a single file.

Just a thought ;-)

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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