Get Popup submenu name

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Nov 13 07:27:00 EST 2002

--- JVTONGEL at wrote:
> Dear
> yesterday evening I was trying to get the
> value(or name) of a submenu of popup list.
> let me explain it a litle bit
> I have a Popup menu which is named Platform
> 	when you klik on it you get a list of platforms
> 	f.e.  - PC
> 		- Linux
> 		- Macintosh
> now when a user slects on of the items
> I want to put this as a text i a Global or Local var
> but i dont seem to find any function or command in
> the dicionary
> that does something like this
> where am i going wrong?

RR sends a 'menuPick' event upon selection of an item
in a menu button, so I suggest you look it up in the
Transcript language dictionary.

Set the script of your popup button to this:

on menuPick pWhichItem
  global gSomeGlobal
  put pWhichItem into gSomeGlobal
end menuPick

If you want to know which item is currently selected,
have a look at the 'menuHistory' property in the
Trascript language dictionary.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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