Poke the IPTC annotation data space of images?

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Sat Nov 9 16:38:15 EST 2002

Thanks Gary:

That get's me up to speed on this area, but since I don't know C++. 
Getting from where Rev is today to Revolution with a cross platform 
IPTC DataSet plug-in doesn't appear very doable.

I guess for now I will have to go with the stack model where images 
carry associated data as custom props.

If anyone ever did generate this funcationality within Rev, an entire 
(hard to assess how big, but if only photoShop and BreezeSys are doing 
it now, then it's any body's game)  market within the publishing, 
newspaper, media industry could open up for developers to provide 
needed apps...

But for now I'll have to stay with xTalk. I have posted this to the 
Improve list, as an obscure wish for the future feature list, just in 
case, unbeknownst to us, since to core engine already has JPEG export 
built in, poking the IPTC data might not be such a big deal to add on 
to the core engine. I can't imagine that it is anything more than some 
kind of header or trailer.... in a specific pre-defined format.

Hinduism Today

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
katir at hindu.org
www.HinduismToday.com, www.HimalayanAcademy.com,
www.Gurudeva.org, www.hindu.org

On Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 09:33  AM, Gary Rathbone wrote:

> There's a lot of information at
> http://www.iptc.org/site/standards.html
> including "...some sample software written in C++ to provide a guide to
> programmers wishing to extract IPTC DataSets from JPEG image files..."
> You might also want to take a look at
> http://www.breezesys.com/BreezeBrowser/iptc.htm

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