Writing radio to a file

Klaus Major k_major at os.surf2000.de
Tue Nov 5 13:16:01 EST 2002

Hi Timothy,

> Alright.  I have figured out how to group radio buttons and set their 
> behavior to true you can only have one highlighted.  Atleast I did it 
> like this.  I just grouped them and doubled clicked on one and 
> scripted:
> "set the radiobehavior of group to true"  That seemed to have worked.

I think even this is not necessary.

Just create some radio-buttons, group them and that's all.

They should act as desired immediately.
I jsut tried it here at home and it worked...

> Now my question is how can I script it to write the choice of a user 
> to a file.
> I want to give a little quiz to people and have multiple choice 
> questions.
> I want my output to be a text file that they can then send to me or 
> even better have rev do
> it.  But that might be getting ahead of myself.  Anyone have any 
> ideas?  Thanks.

You can query "the hilitedbuttonname of grp xxx".

This will give you the name of the button that is hilited in that group.

So you can script something like:

on mouseup ## or whatever
   put the hilitedbuttonname of grp "the difficult quiz" into 
end mouseup

Don't forget to give the radio-buttons appropriate names ;-)

> -Tim

Hope this helps.


Klaus Major
k_major at os.surf2000.de

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