Setting the scale of player and relative paths

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Thu May 30 12:40:01 EDT 2002

At 5:09 AM -0700 5/29/2002, malte brill wrote:
>I have been creating a simple app that´s playing back my selfmade Mpeg1
>Movies. In order of running it on any resolution I have to scale the player.
>But if I set the rect of player (depending on the resolution) my movies
>loose performance. So I looked in the Dictionary for a better way and came
>across the scale command. If I try to set the scale of my player I get an
>error message "Object does not have this property". What am I doing wrong?

The problem is that the scale isn't a player property - it's a property of
videoclips and EPS objects. (If you look at the text above the word
"property" on the Dictionary page for scale, it tells you what objects have
this property.)

I'm not sure there's a better way than setting the rect of the player. What
kinds of performance problems are you seeing?

>Relative Paths:
>I still can´t get it done. My app needs to run on Mac and Windows systems
>(from CD). Can anyone give me an easy discription on how to set relative

What situation are you looking at? Is this the relative path in a filename
for a player, or what? If you give an example of where the files are and
where your application is, I can give you a relative path for it - this may
be simpler than trying to explain the whole theory.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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