Import snapshot and export to JPEG

Dreamscape Software webmaster at
Wed May 29 13:02:01 EDT 2002

> The after I select the image I save it as a JPEG with a .jpg extension.
> This works fine except the file type in the Finder doesn't think it is a
> graphic image. When I double click on it, TextEdit is opened and a bunch
> of text is displayed. If I open it in Preview it looks fine.

I am using the following code in JPEGCompress 2.0 ...

    set fileType to "MSIEJPEG"

That line will set the exported image type and creater codes to that of a
JPEG Image that was created with Internet Explorer.  It's still a good idea
to use the ".jpg" extension, but you'll need to put that code in your script
so that MetaCard/RunRev will know what type of file it is.

If you want to set the Creater/Type codes to something else then you can use
ResEdit (In Classic Mode) to get the file type and creater codes for the
desired application.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software, Inc.

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