Screen Locks?

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Thu May 23 06:35:01 EDT 2002

--- yves COPPE <yvescoppe at> wrote:
> >Yves,
> >
> >I don't get it... How does this lock the screen to
> the user?
> >
> You MUST unlock the screen to see the move of the
> thumbpos of the 
> progress bar at each loop.
> So your problem is so difficult to resolve.

Just a thought: maybe you could
-make a snapshot of your screen, 
-show that in a separate "snapshot" stack C, 
-hide the "working" stack A, 
-show the "progress" stack B

And then do your changes offscreen while giving the
user the illusion everything is still there?

I'm sure there's some way to make a snapshot of a
screen, if necessary through an XFCN.

Best regards,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish
at the same time."  (De Rochefoucald)

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