ODBC Drivers for Fm Pro 5.5?

Tariel Gogoberidze PMDA at earthlink.net
Wed May 22 15:02:00 EDT 2002

> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 08:05:58 +0100
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> From: Peter Reid <preid at reidit.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: ODBC Drivers for Fm Pro 5.5?
> Reply-To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> >on 21/5/02 4:20 PM, Peter Reid at preid at reidit.co.uk wrote:
> >
> >>  Does anyone know where I can get installers for ODBC drivers to
> >>  support accessing FileMaker Pro 5.5 databases using Rev 1.1.1?  I'm
> >>  looking to access FM Pro dbs from Win 32, Mac Classic and Mac X
> >>  clients.
> Cheers
> Peter
> --
> Peter Reid
> Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
> Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
> E-mail: preid at reidit.co.uk
> Web: http://www.reidit.co.uk

You can use FileMaker Pro web companion to  exchange  data between FMP
and Rev either on the local network or on the internet.

Normally, all you have to do  (after  setting up web companion) is to send

 put "http://folderInPath/folderWithResponseFile/FMPro" into theURL
 post  "-db=MyDbNameHere&-lay=DBLayoutNameHere&-format=FormatFileName.html&-findAll"
 put urlDecode(it) 

Response file contains tags (FMP files)  you want to receive in
following  format

First Name:  [FMP-field:Students::First Name] -- for related field
Last Name:  [FMP-field: Last Name] -- for "normal" field.

Refer to FMP "CDML Reference.fp5" database for more details. Use LINK
forms of CDML syntax.
You  can  do all kind  of things with this... update, delete, add
records, find records etc

There is one detail  involved however.  Because  FMP 4.x is  not 
returning "content-length",  LibURL was  failing to process the call.
I don't know if it was  fixed in FMP 5.x  or/and  in LibURL. If it is
NOT fixed you can try your own socket  handler  with something like this..

on mouseUp
into TheCall
  replace " " with "+" in TheCall 
  replace cr with numToChar(13) in TheCall
  put number of chars of TheCall into Nchars
  put "YourURLaddressHere" into TheURL
  put "POST /YourPathToResponseFile/FMPro? HTTP/1.0" & CRLF &"host: " &TheURL&
CRLF&"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" &
CRLF&"Content-Length: " & Nchars&  CRLF & CRLF &TheCall into tString
  open socket  to TheURL
  write tString to socket TheURL 
  read from socket TheURL until CRLF
  read from socket TheURL until  CRLF &  CRLF
  read from socket  TheURL for 100000 -- approximatelly
  put urlDecode(it) 
end mouseUp

note: script above is just raw example

You  need  to have  FMP  5.5 unlimited if you have  more then  10 users 
with different IP addressees per 24 hours.
Otherwise use  FMP 4.x (this version  does not have above  restrictions)

this method with FMP 4.1 <->  FMserver <-> lasso  combination  works 
for us  for more then  1 000 users and VERY havy  load.
You can check  how  it  works  if  you  go <http://www.psych-ai.com/>
and download  evaluation copy of  our  application.
Best Regards
Tariel Gogoberidze

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