Run Rev & naughty tricks with MetaCard tools

Mathewson richmond at
Wed May 22 04:44:01 EDT 2002

I really like some of the functionality of MetaCard;
especially the Navigator, so I opened it in Run Rev,
colourised it (boring colours!) and saved it into the RunRev
plugins folder.  The only snag is that it will only navigate
for the first stack I open in a Run Rev session.

I don't know about the legality of this kind of thing: if
you open the MetaCard tools stack in Run Rev and save it as
a standalone with the substacks in a data folder, the
substacks can then be opened by RR and saved as RR files
independently of the MetaCard tools stack.  Until somebody
tells me otherwise (as I have absolutely no intention of
distributing these files) I shall keep them on my machine
and make the best of their functionality.

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