embedded media & controls
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
jeanne at runrev.com
Mon May 13 01:12:23 EDT 2002
At 6:10 PM -0700 5/12/2002, Mathewson wrote:
>I am accessing the Disk Image (on my Macintosh) I am
>building my program inside using
>Windows 98 on Virtual PC: COOOOL (not at all!) Merry VPC
>will only see my mounted disk image as a shared folder which
>it insists on calling "Drive Z" (!!!!!!).
Not sure what the deal is here - cannot you a) use a relative path for your
movies and put them in the same folder as your standalone (or a subfolder),
or b) create a drive image for E using Drive Assistant or whatever it's
called, and then copy your files from a shared folder to E?
>Because I am
>unable to embed QT mpegs and Mov files inside the rev file
>without losing the functionality of control
>bars (I have bombarded you about that already)
You can do this for videoclips inside the file:
set the showController of the templatePlayer to true
play videoclip "My Clip"
Since playing a clip creates a temporary player for display, the settings
of the templatePlayer are used when playing the clip.
>the paths should be hunky-dory. The only snag is that not
>everybody has the dubious benefits of 2 hard-drives (some
>have 1 and some have 3) and therefore a CD with data paths
>set for drive E will not function except for Windows users
>with 2 hard drives........
Actually, I think Windows setups default to using E as the CD drive even if
they don't have multiple fixed drives. (But using relative paths is still
better, since some setups may have unusual drive ordering.)
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at runrev.com
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
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