Getting all the fields/buttons

Ivers, Doug E Doug_Ivers at
Wed May 8 08:13:01 EDT 2002

Is this the best way to "get" all the fields of a stack once and only once?
(Ultimately, I want to be able to change the font of all the fields in a
stack, but for now this just lists them.)

on listAllFields theStackName
  put empty into theFieldList
  -- bg fields
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of backgrounds of stack theStackName
    repeat with j = 1 to the number of fields of background i of stack theStackName
      get the long name of field j of background i of stack theStackName
      put it&return after theFieldList
    end repeat
  end repeat
  -- cd fields
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of cards of stack theStackName
    repeat with j = 1 to the number of fields of card i of stack theStackName
      get the owner of field j of card i of stack theStackName
      if (word 1 of it is "group") then next repeat
      get the long name of field j of card i of stack theStackName
      put it&return after theFieldList
    end repeat
  end repeat
  -- output
  put theFieldList
end listAllFields

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