Family of btns

Tony anthonyk at
Fri May 3 01:14:01 EDT 2002

When I use the "family" property on radio btns and
then group them, the desired hilite effect works
fine. I therefore, reach the conclusion one can
use the family property only on radio btns.

But, after reading the dictionary on "family
property" it led me to assume that the family
property can be used on other btns. It says in the
first line that:

"The family property coordinates a set of buttons
so that only one button of a family can be

The last sentence in the last paragraph says in

"(This method can only be used for buttons whose
style is set to radiobutton)"

If the last sentence did not belong to the last
paragraph, I could conclude that the family
property applies only to radio buttons. Because
the last sentence belongs to that last paragraph,
it is unclear that the statement applies to the
last paragraph or to the entire group of

Some clarification will be appreciated as I need
the family property in a group of non radio btns.
I hope that there is an easy way to do it if the
family property can not be set on non radio

Thanks for any help..


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