SNMP Traps - can I monitor them?

Dar Scott dsc at
Fri Mar 22 15:22:01 EST 2002

On Friday, March 22, 2002, at 12:22 PM, Ian Summerfield wrote:

> Am I going about this all the wrong way?

Ian, you are about to run into a serious limitation of UDP on 
Revolution, if you continue to explore SNMP.

(If I'm wrong about this, I hope somebody will let us know.)

Suppose you "open datagram socket" to the SNMP port 161 on your 
router and "write" an SNMP GET datagram.  The underlying system 
will assign you a port on your computer when you do this.  The 
router will send an SNMP RESPONSE back to that port.  You need to 
get that datagram.  But you don't know what port to "accept" on.

An alternative would be to read from the socket you opened to write 
with.  I have tried several ways to read datagrams from an open to 
datetime (port 13) or echo (port 7) with no success.  If anybody 
has been able to do this, I would like to see how its done.

And there is no way to set the local port in open.

Dar Scott

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