Constraining 'grab'

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Wed Mar 6 23:43:01 EST 2002

on 3/6/02 7:13 AM, Geoff Canyon at gcanyon at wrote:

> The mouseRelease and mouseUp messages are mutually exclusive, and always
> delivered to the object that received the mouseDown.If the the pointer is
> within the button
> when you let up the mouse button, then the button gets a mouseUp. If not, the
> button gets a mouseRelease.
I see, so you can perhaps reset a condition caused by mouseDown depending on
which message it gets. Pretty clever.
> If you want the button to do something when the mouse button is released, no
> matter what, you can either put your code in the mouseUp handler and include
> this:
> on mouseRelease
> mouseUp
> end mouseRelease
> Or, as I did, you can include a third handler that both the mouseUp and
> mouseRelease call.
Thanks for the clarification. I had a feeling it couldn't have been as I
surmised. I guess I'll set up a small series of tests to check out the
behaviors, timing, etc.

Best regards,
Ken N.

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