Screenrect and geometry manager

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Sun Mar 3 17:35:01 EST 2002

If you open the Card Porperties palette, then go to the Geometry Manager,
you'll see the Geometry settigns for the card. One of them is "Update
Geometry before displaying this card". If you check this, it should make
each card resize it's objects before opening.


> Hello,
> I created a stack for childs.
> I want that the window occupies all the screen. To work with all
> resolution, i use the geometry manager.
> If i change the size of the stack, with the stack properties, its works,
> but only for the current card.
> In the openstack script i put :
> set the rect of stack "theStack" to the screenrect
> but the size of objects does not adapt itself in a standalone.
> How tell to all cards of my stack to change their size ?
> Thanks, and sorry for my poor english.
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