Problems with ftp
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at
Sun Jun 16 16:21:01 EDT 2002
--- Niklas Almesjö <niklas_almesjo at> wrote:
> Having some problems with the following code:
> put "daText=" & the text of field "text" into URL
> ""
> Yesterday I got it to work a few times, but it was
> very slow (even though
> the text is very small). But now I can't get it to
> work at all.. nothing
> happens. If I run it again, the result function says
> that last operation
> is not completed.
> any tip?
Hi Niklas,
Are you sure you should send it to the www-server?
It's always possible it's the same server, but you'd
usually send these to the ftp-server.
Have you tried connecting through other means
(LeechFTP or CuteFTP or the like if you're a Wiuser ;
Fetch or Interarchy for Macs)) to the same URL and
gotten better speeds?
Just a few thoughts,
Jan Schenkel.
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