scripts - highlight of selected text

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sat Jun 8 01:46:32 EDT 2002

At 1:03 PM -0700 6/7/2002, Barry Levine wrote:
>When I edit my scripts, the highlight color is a rather dark grey which
>makes it a bit difficult to read what I've hightlighted. I've tried
>setting my system's hightlight color (on MacOSX) to green and
>re-launching Rev (just in case) but it seems to have no effect in Rev's
>script editor. I thought I had read something about this in an earlier
>posting but a search through my mailbox hasn't revealed anything.

This should be fixed in the next version, but meanwhile, enter these two
lines in the message box, then quit and restart Rev:

  set the hiliteColor of stack "revEmptyPropertiesShell" to empty
  save stack "revEmptyPropertiesShell"

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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