newbie response

Troy Rollins troy at
Wed Jun 5 01:19:01 EDT 2002

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 01:31  AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

> BTW, I don't know what you mean by "interactive QuickTime"; but it 
> isn't what Apple promised for QuickTime Interactive by a long shot. QTI 
> was to be a version of HyperCard in which stacks were saved in 
> QuickTime format.  It would be like being able to save any Revolution 
> stack you wrote as a QuickTime movie.  That's what the world lost in 
> the Amelio/Jobs exchange.

The QuickTime format was never even close to that during Gil Amelio's 
lousy attempt at turning Apple into another clone maker. Amelio would 
not have delivered, IMHO.

Job's choice to go with round mice and colored computers saved the 
company. Do I find that more useful than great developer tools? Of 
course not. But I do appreciate the business reasons for doing what he 
did, and continuing to do so. The cool development tools will just have 
to come from 3rd parties.

What I mean by interactive QuickTime is the results of tools like 
LiveStage Pro, and VR Worx, or if it doesn't have to be an MOV file - 
iShell. Those products deliver actual, usable, interactive QuickTime. 
Interactive QuickTime is alive and well. It might be harder to do than 
what you describe, but I assure you - we do it every day.

> That's you can run Microsoft Office, your web browser, 
> Pagemaker, or whatever on a colored box running OSX instead of 
> Windows.  What else makes the Apple experience unique from Windows? 
> Before MetaCard/RunRev it was HyperCard.

Oh, stability, quality of construction, elegance, and general user 
experience. I spend 15 hours a day a my computers - I find my 
productivity is increased on Macs, and partially because I enjoy the 
experience more. But Hypercard, to me, was a waste of time. Cool idea, 
but virtually useless. I may work on a Mac, but reality says that most 
people don't. I could develop cool stuff all day long, and have no 
users. I had to face the fact that anything I develop on Mac had darn 
well be deliverable on PC. Back then, I chose to develop on PC's and/or 
used Director.

These are entirely my opinions, and I certainly don't expect anyone to 
adopt them. You absolutely have a right to yours, and I appreciate them. 
I just don't agree with them (in this instance).


RPSystems, LTD

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