edit movie data?

Kurt Kaufman kurtkaufman at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 4 21:23:01 EDT 2002

 > Is it possible to edit movie data within a QT player (copy/paste, 

Apart from how Revolution may handle this, it may depend on the movie 
type/codec. For example, you can't edit movie MPEG data in Apple's QT
Player. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Bob.  I would be working with files that QT can edit.  But what 
I meant was is there any way to select a portion of one movie and paste 
it into another (the way you can with QT Pro)?  I've been fiddling with 
starttime,endtime, showselection, playselection, etc.,  but I don't see 
a method of selecting the movie itself, just its start and end time.  

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