sample cgi?

Kee Nethery kee at
Wed Jul 31 12:32:01 EDT 2002

Never got an answer to this question so I figure I should perhaps ask it again.

Does someone have the standard sample cgi in Revolution that returns 
a web page that displays all the parameters that the browser sends to 
the server?

In HyperTalk the stack script that catches all the data from the web 
server via AppleEvents is shown below. The HandleOrder script takes 
some of the data and parses it and creates an HTML reply.

These two scripts are the complete cycle for a HyperCard based cgi.

Can someone show me a Revolution example? I'm hoping that the 
Revolution example also deals with cookies but a simple example sans 
cookies would be better than nothing.

Thanks, Kee

on AppleEvent class, ID, sender
  -- Here is where we receive the event, pull off the relevant
  -- information, and send it off to be processed.
  -- The following is a list of the MacHTTP parameters
  -- that are available, should you need to use them:
  --'addr' - client address
  --'Agnt' - user agent
  --'ctyp' - content type
  --'frmu' - from user
  --'kfor' - search arguments
  --'meth' - HTTP method
  --'pass' - the user password
  --'post' - post arguments
  --'refr' - referer
  --'scnm' - script name
  --'svnm' - server name
  --'svpt' - server port
  --'user' - user name

  if class & ID is "WWW‡sdoc" then
    -- this is the CGI gateway "sdoc" message. We need to check this first to
    -- distinguish it from the Finder's, other application's AppleEvents that
    -- might also be sent to HyperCard.

    -- Pull up the basic AppleEvent data. This is dummy information in
    -- our case.
    request appleEvent data -- get the direct parameter (path args)

    -- Now get the "POST" message. This is the important information s
    -- which contain all the settings from the form going to this cgi.
    request appleEvent data with keyword "post"
    put it into orderValues

    -- Get the address of the sender (good for tracking usage)
    request appleEvent data with keyword "addr"
    put it into customerTCPAddress

    HandleOrder orderValues, customerTCPAddress
    pass appleEvent
  end if
end AppleEvent

on HandleOrder orderValues, customerTCPAddress
  -- This routine parses the information we picked up from the
  -- AppleEvents (above) and forms the reply which is nothing
  -- more than another HTML page description.

  -- First, parse the order information into parts
  set the itemDelimiter to "&" -- Each item will be separated by a "&"
  put item 1 of orderValues into dogCowSizeLine
  put item 2 of orderValues into dogCowQuantityLine
  put item 3 of orderValues into dogCowShipMethodLine
  put item 4 of orderValues into wholesaleOrderLine

  set the itemDelimiter to "="
  -- This makes it easy to separate the names of the values from their value
  -- e.g. "quantity=on"

  put the last item of dogCowSizeLine into dogCowSize
  put the last item of dogCowQuantityLine into orderQuantity
  put the last item of dogCowShipMethodLine into shipMethod
  put the last item of wholesaleOrderLine into wholesaleOrder
  -- Check for exact value of wholesale, as this parameter may be
  -- missing entirely if not checked.
  if wholesaleOrder = "on" then
   put true into isWholesale
   put false into isWholesale
  end if

  -- Now see if the DogCow is in stock
  find dogCowSize in cd fld "DogCow Size"
  put word 2 of the foundLine into selectedSizeLine
  put line selectedSizeLine of cd fld "Wholesale Price" into wholesalePrice
  put line selectedSizeLine of cd fld "Retail Price" into retailPrice
  put line selectedSizeLine of cd fld "Qty. Available" into qtyAvailable
  put (orderQuantity <= qtyAvailable) into inStock

  if not inStock then
   put "<B>Requested Quantity: </B>" & orderQuantity & "<BR>" into theMessage
   if qtyAvailable = 1 then
     put "Only one" && dogCowSize && "DogCow available." after theMessage
     put "Only " & qtyAvailable && dogCowSize && "DogCows." after theMessage
   end if
   -- Tally up pricing
   if isWholesale then
    put wholesalePrice into sellingPrice
    put retailPrice into sellingPrice
   end if

   if shipMethod = "Regular" then
     put cd fld "Regular Shipping Charge" into shipPrice
     put cd fld "Express Shipping Charge" into shipPrice
   end if

   -- Decrement "inventory"
   subtract orderQuantity from line selectedSizeLine of cd fld "Qty.

   -- Give total message
   set the numberFormat to "###,###,###,##0.00"
   put (orderQuantity * sellingPrice) + shipPrice into totalPrice
   put "<B>Your order total comes to: </B>" & totalPrice into theMessage
  end if
  put "<P>" & theMessage & "</P>" after orderText

  -- Assemble and display message
  put "<HEAD><TITLE>Order Information</TITLE></HEAD>" into theHeader
  put "<BODY><H1>Order Information</H1>" into bodyText
  put "<B>Ordered by: </B>" & customerTCPAddress & orderText after bodyText
  put "<P>Thanks for using the DogCow Ordering System!</P>" after bodyText
  put "</BODY>" after bodyText
  put "<HTML>" & theHeader & bodyText & "</HTML>"into theResult
  reply theResult
end HandleOrder

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