Disappearing text

Greg Wills gwills at ozemail.com.au
Wed Jul 31 04:32:01 EDT 2002

Hi All. Thanks for all your contributions, I enjoy all the 
information and discussion.

My little dilemma is different behaviour of an application on a Mac 
and Windows. I have two fields. One with locked text (A) to click on 
text - to paste it into field (B) - unlocked. Field A has "highlight 
clicked lines and selected text", "list behaviour" and "highlight 
multiple lines" selected.

On the Mac, when a paragraph is clicked, the top and bottom line are 
highlighted. (Not expected behaviour, as I thought that the whole 
paragraph would highlight, however does the job.)

When this is save as an application for Windows, when the paragraph 
is clicked, the top and bottom lines are visible - but not 
highlighted - and the middle text is invisible. Still there, but 
while selected invisible.

Three questions.
1. Any explanations for the windows trick.
2. Can the whole paragraph be highlighted - visually - not just top and bottom.
3. Can the delimiter be altered. I assume that the default is one 
return character.


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