sarahr at
Tue Jul 9 20:32:01 EDT 2002
Sorry for the long email, but here are the basic routines I use for POP
You'll need to customize to fit in with your field names instead of
mine. Also, check the setupNextCall handler as that is specifically for
my button ID.
Everything gets logged so debugging is quite easy.
-- these variables are up here so all handlers in this button can use it
local socketAddr, msgList
on mouseUp
put empty into fld "Log"
put empty into fld "Email"
put "Checking email..." into fld "Status"
-- close any open sockets (in case there has been a failure already)
repeat until the openSockets is empty
close socket line 1 of the openSockets
end repeat
-- open POP port & login (fld "POP" contains the address of my mail
put fld "POP" & ":110" into socketAddr
open socket to socketAddr with message "startEmail"
end mouseUp
-- this handler gets called after the socket has opened
on startEmail
-- read the welcome message from the server
read from socket socketAddr until CRLF
put it & cr after fld "Log"
-- send all the header stuff, checking for a response after each one
-- the error checking is in the sendReceive handler
sendReceive "USER " & fld "User"
sendReceive "PASS " & the cHiddenPass of fld "Password"
getList -- this puts a list of waiting emails into msgList
repeat for each line m in msgList
put "Reading email..." into fld "Status"
put getMsg(msgNum) into newMsg
put newMsg & cr after fld "Email"
-- delete message from server
-- comment this out while you're testing
sendReceive "DELE " & msgNum
end repeat
-- close the port before closing the socket
sendReceive "QUIT"
close socket socketAddr
end startEmail
on setupNextCall
-- set up next check, making sure to delete any leftover pending
put the pendingMessages into pendMsg
repeat for each line L in pendMsg
if L contains "button ID 1013" then cancel item 1 of L
end repeat
send mouseUp to button ID 1013 in (fld "Check" * 60) seconds
put the seconds + (fld "Check" * 60) into checkTime
convert checkTime to long time
put "Next check at " & checkTime into fld "Status"
end setupNextCall
-- this function gets the list and extracts the number of waiting emails
on getList
sendOnly "LIST"
read from socket socketAddr until "." & CRLF
put it into msgList
-- delete header & footer
put line 2 to -2 of msgList into msgList
put msgList & cr after fld "Log"
end getList
-- this function retrieves the whole message if it is small enough
function getMsg msgNum
sendOnly "RETR " & msgNum
read from socket socketAddr until "." & CRLF
return it
end getMsg
-- this routine sends data to the server and reads the response
-- POP responses always start with +OK or -ERR
on sendReceive theData
put "-> " & theData & cr after fld "Log"
write theData & CRLF to socket socketAddr
read from socket socketAddr until CRLF
put it after fld "Log"
if word 1 of it is not "+OK" then
close socket socketAddr
exit to top
end if
end sendReceive
-- this routine is for sending only, with no response expected
on sendOnly theData
put "-> " & theData & cr after fld "Log"
write theData & CRLF to socket socketAddr
end sendOnly
-- these 2 handlers are just to catch a connection failure
on socketTimeOut
close socket socketAddr
exit to top
end socketTimeOut
on socketError sockID, errMsg
close socket socketAddr
exit to top
end socketError
On Wednesday, July 10, 2002, at 10:21 AM, Larry Forsgren wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Sarah,
> I actually did try to close the socket by sending "QUIT" to it
> using the write command but that didn't change anything.
> I only get a reply from the socket the first time so the quit
> command is not forwarded either. I also tried to wait for the
> connection to time out but I cannot access the socket again
> until I restart Revolution.
> Perhaps someone has a Rev example of how to use sockets
> to access a mail server.
> (I run this on Windows XP if that has any bearing on this).
> Larry
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