Vertical or horizontal progress bars

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Tue Jul 9 04:44:01 EDT 2002

on 7/9/02 12:24 AM, Geoff Canyon at gcanyon at wrote:

> Speaking as someone who's been around awhile, the probability is low. This has
> been a documented issue (it's in the readme) for a loooong time. I don't know
> whether there is a technical issue underlying it -- does the toolbox support
> vertical progress bars? -- or if it's just that no one asks for it.
Howcum we need vertical progress bars anywho? I've actually never seen a
vertical progress bar, but I bet you could make some really cute ones. For a
barometer or a thermometer, maybe?

Just curious...

G'nite all,
Ken N.

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