Participation in Improvement List

Kevin Miller kevin at
Mon Jul 8 12:51:01 EDT 2002

On 7/7/02 6:43 am, Ken Ray <kray at> wrote:

> Now as to your comment about providing access to the improve-revolution
> list, I don't know why it is restricted. Perhaps someone from RunRev can
> comment on that directly.

We simply can't afford to spend the level of time on a high maintenance list
like the improve list with users on it paying anything less than
professional license prices.  Whilst posts to both lists are read, posts to
that list are always followed up - sometimes on the list and sometimes after
we've had a chance to consider the suggestions or track down a bug.  We also
provide access to alpha and beta test releases on that list - something that
we would rather restrict to a smaller group.  It seems right that customers
who are able to pay more to support the product should play a greater part
in its development.

The use list is read by people here - in fact I read it myself.  Suggestions
are taken on board and some level of unofficial support is provided, but
generally users do answer each others questions.  Its not as good as having
direct access to our tech support mailbox, and you don't get involved in the
alpha and beta test releases either, but it is enough for many of our users.

If you need more than that then you have to pay for it, and what you get for
paying the extra price is very good value.  In fact, it is inexpensive
compared with other tools, a great way to support Revolution and be
supported, particularly if you're using it day to day.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller <kevin at> <>
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

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