Array problem

yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Sun Jul 7 04:33:00 EDT 2002


I have a customproperty set : cPoints

each key is the name of a student and each value show the points on ten

f. ex. :
get the cPoints["Lennon John"]  --> gives 6
get the cPoints["Harrisson George"]  --> gives 8

So I'd like to search all the students who have 5 or more points

I make a script with the combine command using return and comma to 
make a text file and then with "repeat" I get what I search :

repeat for each line L in tresult
    if item 2 of L „ 5 then put L&cr after myList
end repeat
delete last char of myList

and it works good.

Is there a way to get the same but on a faster way ??



Email : yvescoppe at

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