Currency Formatting?

Jan Decroos jan.decroos at
Tue Jan 29 03:25:01 EST 2002

the function dispnum (see below) does the job.

dispnum :
	first argument : true/false to put or remove the thousand and decimal separator
	2nd argument : the container with numbers

change the lThousSep and lDecimSep variables if you want to have other
separators (in Europe we take the comma for the decimal separator and a space
or point for the thousand separator)

on mouseUp
  ask "Give Amount:" with 12345678.888
  if it <> "" then answer "$"&dispnum(true,it)
end mouseUp

function dispnum pOption, pData
  if last char of pData = CR then put CR after pData
  -- change next two lines depending on your needs
  put comma into lThousSep
  put "." into lDecimSep
  if not(pOption) then -- UNdisplay (back to numbers)
    put pData into lResult
    replace lThousSep with "" in lResult
    replace lDecimSep with "." in lResult
  else -- make numbers readable
    repeat for each line lLine in pData
      if lLine is a number then
        put offset(".",lLine) into lPosPnt
        put (lPosPnt = 0) into lisInteger  -- don't check by "is an integer"
because "5.00" is an integer !!
        if lisInteger then put length(lLine) into lEnd
        else put lPosPnt-1 into lEnd
        if char 1 of lLine = "+" or char 1 of lLine = "-" then put 1 into
        else put 0 into lOffset
        if not(lisInteger) then put lDecimSep into char lEnd+1 of lLine
        put 3 into lChar
        repeat ((lEnd - 1 - lOffset) DIV 3)
          put lThousSep before char lEnd-lChar+1 of lLine
          add 3 to lChar
        end repeat
      end if
      put lLine&CR after lResult
    end repeat
    if last char of lResult = CR then delete last char of lResult
  end if
  return (lResult)
end dispnum

Hope this helps...


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