Missing icon

Kevin Miller kevin at runrev.com
Fri Jan 25 13:25:00 EST 2002

On 25/1/02 12:17 am, Sarah Reichelt <sarahr at genesearch.com.au> wrote:

> I wanted to make a button that would allow vertical movement of a dividing
> line, re-sizing fields above & below as it went. Something similar to the
> divider between a list of emails and the selected email or folder list.
> I found just what I needed in the properties palette in the Custom section,
> so I copied the script & the properties from that and it all works
> perfectly. 
> My problem is with the icon. I can't find the icon in the icon libraries. It
> appears correctly when I manually enter the ID, but what will happen when I
> build the application? I know that you have to specify which icon libraries
> to include when building, but if my icon isn't in the libraries, where is it
> and how do I make sure it is included? And are there any other useful icons
> hidden somewhere?

If it isn't in the normal icon chooser you get with button icons, then it
isn't included by Distribution Builder but is part of the internal icons
set.  You can probably find it and copy it out if you know your way around
Rev's innards: toplevel / show revIcons stack.


Kevin Miller <kevin at runrev.com> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

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