Multi-linugal interface

cowhead cowhead at
Sun Jan 20 14:43:00 EST 2002

Terry V wrote:
Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects?

I don't have any bright ideas, just a warning.  If you plan to include
Japanese, unlike Hypercard, Rev and Meta just hate those 2 byte
characters.  Here's the (kinda) work-around:

Normally you would set a field to a Japanese font, and then type happily
away into that field.  Metacard will sometimes let you get away with
this (but don't try to edit what you wrote!) but Rev will not.  Instead,
set the font to a normal English type font, then (on the Mac, anyway)
you can type Japanese using the special separate Japanese input (called
kotoeri on the Mac...and this is now an optional install with OSX).
When you hit return, this Japanese will be entered into the english
field, and will appear as gobbledy goop.  Now, using a script, transfer
this goop to another field whose font is set to a Japanese font and you
will be able to read it just fine.  But again, don't try to edit it!

good luck,
mark mitchell

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