
David Vaughan drvaughan55 at
Sun Jan 20 03:12:01 EST 2002

On Sunday, January 20, 2002, at 06:21 , Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

> Does anyone else have an opinion about this? Any other ways to make it
> crystal clear that a function can't be used as a complete statement, and
> avoid confusing people?
> --
> Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
> Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

Yes. Put "Function" or "Command" in large print just after the command 
or function title in the Transcript entry......oh, you've already done 

So, some people aren't reading it and are then complaining. Do they also 
expect instructions on a milk carton saying "Do not invert after 

I feel as entitled as anyone to ask simple questions when I'm, learning 
the product but if someone has actually read to the Transcript example 
then I consider it reasonable to assume they have first read the title 
and either understand the distinction between Command and Function or 
will ask about it without blaming the documentation.


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