Is it soup yet?

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Tue Jan 15 00:06:01 EST 2002

on 1/14/02 12:38 AM, Geoff Canyon at gcanyon at wrote:

> At 6:38 PM -0800 1/13/02, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:
>> What about Windows? There must be some kind of standard speech available.
>> I'm trying to find out the nomenclature for such things in Windows, so I
>> don't end up sifting through a million hits.
> The external collection available at:
> does text-to-speech on both Mac and Windows.
Thanks Geoff, that's what I was looking for. One of the things I want to do
is build a simple one button launch text-only email reader that speaks the
text, for an old computer, for my mom who has macular degeneration, and
can't really even get their HP computer turned on, let alone access her
email and try to read it.

I can use it as a foundation to add email capability to some other software
I'm working on.

Best regards,
Ken N.

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