FTP command - damaged file (german MacOS 9.2)

Scott Raney raney at metacard.com
Thu Jan 10 16:45:01 EST 2002

> At 12:36 PM +0100 1/10/02, Ralf Könner wrote:
> >the following line does almost all the job: opening a connection, logging
> >onto a server and sending a binary file:
> >
> >put URL "file:/HD/desktop folder/test.jpg" into URL
> >"ftp://UserID:password@www.myServer.de/test.jpg"

Ah, but you're *not* sending a binary file, unless you're working on a
UNIX sytem.  "file:" on Win32 and MacOS systems does line-delimiter
translation.  You probably want "binfile:".

Scott Raney  raney at metacard.com  http://www.metacard.com
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

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