Change a spreadsheet to an array

David Epstein depstein at
Sun Jan 6 10:22:01 EST 2002

Message: 4
Ludovic THEBAULT wrote:

>I've a big list like this :

>Name    name1    name2    name3
>Data1    1        0        10
>Data2    10        1        0
>Data3    0        1        10

>how transform it in one array ?

If the spreadsheet is tab-delimited, and in the variable "myData"

on loadMyArray myData
  global myArray
  set the itemDelimiter to tab
  repeat with n = 2 to the number of lines in myData
    repeat with i = 2 to the number of items in line 1 of myData
      get item i of line n of myData
      put it into myArray[item 1 of line n of myData,item n of line 1 of
    end repeat
  end repeat
end loadMyArray

from myArray, you can retrieve any data cell by getting
"myArray[rowName,columnName]" -- where rowName is a string like "Data1" and
columnName is a string like "name1"

David Epstein

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