Constraining user input...
Ian Summerfield
iansummerfield at
Thu Feb 28 15:57:01 EST 2002
Watch out for the power user who comes along and does a paste into your
field! The paste won't trigger the keydown! You'll need a closefield
handler to compliment the keydown to get rid of the junk they paste:
On closefield
put line 1 to 3 of me into me -- keep only the first 3 lines
put char 1 to 30 of line 1 of me into line 1 of me -- 30 chars per line
put char 1 to 30 of line 2 of me into line 2 of me -- 30 chars per line
put char 1 to 30 of line 3 of me into line 3 of me -- 30 chars per line
End closefield
On 28/2/02 12:54 am, "Sarah Reichelt" <sarahr at> scribed:
> I don't know that this is a very elegant solution, but it works so it can
> get you started. Put this in the script of your text entry field.
> on keyDown theKey
> if the number of lines in me >= 3 and \
> the number of chars in line 3 of me >= 30 then
> beep
> exit keyDown
> else
> put word 2 of the selectedLine of me into theLine
> if the number of chars in line theLine of me >= 30 then
> beep
> exit keyDown
> end if
> else
> pass keyDown
> end if
> end keyDown
> Cheers,
> Sarah
>> Hello,
>> I am completely new to Revolution, but am very interested in using it for
>> on-going projects.... My single biggest need though is to be able to
>> constrain the user input to a set number of characters and lines... For
>> example, for a textbox entry they should only be able to enter 30 characters
>> of text per line and only 3 lines.....
>> Is this possible with Revolution?.. If you could provide an example I sure
>> would appreciate it.....
>> Thanks!
>> Greg Saylor
>> Senior Systems Integrator
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Ian Summerfield
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