Mouse polling
Scott Raney
raney at
Tue Feb 26 13:30:00 EST 2002
On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 Charles Silverman <csilverm at> wrote:
> I don't have the time to give a solid and detailed response to the
> mousepolling controversy. Suffice it to say that I need to do detailed
> mousepolling within repeat structures.
Unfortunately I think we can't let you off that easy, because unlike
most of us, you actually seem to know what you want ;-)
At the very least, you have to answer the question: is asynchronous
(real time) polling of the mouse buttons with the mouse function
adequate, or is it important to preserve the event-based
implementation of HyperCard (and I thought SuperCard, though I haven't
actually tested that)? In your case, I think the distinction would be
"is it acceptable for "the mouse" to return "up" even if the mouse had
been pressed down and up between sequential calls to the mouse
A related issue is with the "wait" command. With the current
synchronous mouse function "wait until the mouse is down" will always
return when the user clicks. With an async function it's possible
that you will miss a quick click because there may be a delay between
when the wait function is able to make sequential checks. If the
mouse goes down and then back up in that interval, you'll miss it.
> Thanks,
> Charles Silverman
> ________________________
> Charles Silverman, M.Ed.
> Coordinator, Accessible Interactive TV Project
> Centre for Learning Technologies/ITM
> Ryerson Polytechnic University
> Toronto, Ont. CANADA
Scott Raney raney at
MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...
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