Polling the mouse
J. Scott Saults
saultsj at missouri.edu
Thu Feb 21 16:35:01 EST 2002
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:58:57 -0700 (MST)
Scott Raney <raney at metacard.com> wrote
>You'd also be subject to the normal behavior of
>async functions (e.g., in HC, "the mouse" returns "down" if the user
>clicked down anytime between when the handler started running and when
>the function is called, whereas an async implementation would only
>return "down" if it was actually down when you made the call).
Just for the sake of accuracy, in HC & SuperCard , the mouse function does
NOT necessarily reutun "down" if the user clicked anytime between when the
handler started and when the function is called. Both SuperCard and
HyperCard return the actual state of the mouse, up or down, whenever the
mouse function is called within a handler, at least under Mac OS 9. Perhaps
it works differently in OS X.
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