
Robert Presender rpresender at
Thu Feb 21 09:08:01 EST 2002

Sarah wrote on 21 Feb 2002 (snip)
> Problem 1:
> The answer dialog box appears to be off screen (v1.1 and 1.1.1B1). Screen res
> 640x480 Mac OS 9.2.2,PB G3.  Don't know how to reference 'answer dialog box'
> so that  it can be used in the msg box to set the location say to 200,200. Ex:
> set the loc of '?' to 200,200.  Is this a bug?  Ask dialog box appears ok.
You can read the loc using
    put the loc of stack "Answer Dialog"
but unlike in HyperCard, it doesn't seem possible to change it. The script
gives no error but setting the loc doesn't stick.

Thanks for the info Sarah.  Found what the problem was. The answer stack property
was set to 'always buffer'. Reset it to 'destroy window' (the same as 'Ask'). The
answer dialog box now appears ok.  The loc was aways correct but the box didn't show.

Wonder if this is a bug.  This is the first time that I looked at the stack properties of answer and ask.

Regards ... Bob

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