Drawing tools in standalone

David Vaughan drvaughan55 at mac.com
Tue Feb 19 17:15:01 EST 2002


Klaus has the way it should be done, with a palette, but Mike Mitchell 
(cowhead) today and myself on the 18th in response to Mike Brown 
published essentially identical scripts which allow you to choose any 
tool and then return to the browse tool when you wish. Our method is not 
best practice in that it polls the mouseLoc but at least it does so only 
twice a second (configurable in the Send) rather than continuously, and 
will thus do for a quick or one-off stack.


On Tuesday, February 19, 2002, at 10:45 , Klaus Major wrote:

> Hi John,
>> I cannot seem to use the drawing tools in a stand-alone, and I am 
>> wondering
>> if this is at all possible. Since the tool palette is really part of
>> Revolution, maybe this is not intended to be functional in a user
>> stand-alone? I am simply trying to draw some bargraphs from my script 
>> (which
>> works fine in my stack while in the editor), but fails in my 
>> stand-alone at
>> the point where it selects any tools.
>> Thanks,
>> JR
> yes, this is a bit tricky ;-)
> It is possible, but you have to consider this:
> It is only pssible to change the tool with the browse tool...
> ??? :-)
> The conclusion is to provide a stack that has the browse tool as a 
> default tool,
> no matter what tool is "really" selected.
> So your "tools"-stack HAS to be a "palette" or a "modeless".
> It won't work without an extra "tools"-palette or modeless stack.
> I would prefer palette.
> (Do not forget to reset the tool when closing that palette ;-)
> on closestack
>   choose browse tool
> end closestack
> Otherwise you are... ehmm.. lost...
> That's the secret ;-)
> Drop a line if you need furhter info...
> Regards from germany
> Klaus Major
> kmajor at metascape.org
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