Script Debugger from Script?

Kevin Miller kevin at
Sat Feb 16 14:58:03 EST 2002

On 16/2/02 7:45 pm, JohnRule at <JohnRule at> wrote:

> I asked this question before, and I don't think it received a response:
> Is there a way to go directly from a script to the Debugger (and start
> debugging that script)?
> I am losing too much time 'looking' for a script in the Degugger popups...

Use the "breakpoint" command.  The debugger must be open before you send the
message that runs the script though.  Also, if the stack is not toplevel or
is a Revolution stack, you may need to open the message box (after opening
the debugger) and run:

set the traceStack to the mouseStack

To force the debugger to "watch" that stack before starting to run.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller <kevin at> <>
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

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