
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Tue Feb 12 02:47:03 EST 2002

At 11:28 PM -0800 2/10/2002, yves COPPE wrote:
>>At 12:03 PM -0800 2/10/2002, yves COPPE wrote:
>>>I have a substack with many cards.
>>>I have to perform some work on each card.
>>>I'd like a thumbnail showing the progression of the work
>>>So I've created another substack with a thumbnail and a fld (for
>>>writing some prompt)
>>>ask : how can I call my window "myPrompt", let the thumbnail progress
>>>and further work on my previous substack ?

I am still not completely sure I understand what you need, but how about
this: use the insert script command to place the thumbnails stack in the
backScripts, and install in it an openCard handler:

  on openCard
    if the owner of the target is "Stack I'm Working On"
    then  go card (the short name of this card) of me
    pass openCard
  end openCard

In this way, the myPrompt stack receives the openCard message; if the stack
that received openCard is the one you have thumbnails for, the myPrompt
stack automatically switches to the appropriate card. (For example, if you
go to card "Foo" in the stack you're working on, the handler automatically
switches the myPrompt stack to show card "Foo" in myPrompt as well.)

I might not be answering the right question here so please say so if this
is not the correct solution for you....

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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