graphic radio buttons

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Mon Feb 11 02:40:01 EST 2002

on 2/10/02 10:43 PM, Mark Mitchell at mark_mitchell at wrote:

> Or, as someone else suggested, which might be a little more intuitive than the
> script above,
> simply set a customProperty of your group to the currently selected, then
> deselect that using
> a group script.  Frankly, I'm not sure of the advantage of using a
> customProperty over a simple
> global variable (again, consulted in the GROUP script) for something like
> this.  
> I suppose a customProp will preserve last selected even
> between use sessions whereas a global will not.  Is that all?
I'm sure the script I posted probably reeks of HyperTalk-ism, but it's
simple, safe, and it works, doesn't need a G var...I tested it. However, I'm
quite interested in how your idea works, since I'm just learning about group
behavior in RR. I can see the ability to make control structures for
customizing stack operations in it. YouGotScript?

Best regards,
Ken N.

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