script of "transcript dictionary" stadk

Ken Norris (dialup) pixelbird at
Sun Feb 10 19:30:01 EST 2002

on 2/9/02 11:48 PM, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto at jeanne at wrote:

> In case you still cannot get to it, here is the script:
> local lTimerID -- variable holding the message ID of the delayed
> revDocsFilterTerms message

Thanks Jeanne, very good of you to do this.

BTW, you once wrote a book for HC that had something like "A Look That
Dazzles" in the title, didn't you? I think it was only applicable to the old
B & W HC stuff, though, right? Was there anything in there that had useable
principles for general graphics/image handling in the latest HC? Is there
anything like that being worked on for Rev?

Thanks again,
Ken N.

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