script of "transcript dictionary" stadk

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sun Feb 10 03:01:01 EST 2002

At 10:41 AM -0800 2/9/2002, yves COPPE wrote:
>In the "revolution documentation" stack, when you click on transcript
>language, you come on the "transcript language dictionary" page.
>There you have n option popup btn, a fld and below this fld a scrolling fld.
>I'd like to know (for a stack of mine) the script of the fld in which
>we may type in, with the two options
>- scroll to
>filter  (of the popUp btn near him).
>I've tried to edit this stack to access the script but I cannot.

You should be able to get to this script using the contextual menu shortcut
(command-control-shift-click the field). You might first need to turn on
the option "Contextual menus work in Revolution windows" in the Preferences.

Also you can always type "edit script of the mousecontrol" into the message
box, move the pointer over the object, then press Return.

In case you still cannot get to it, here is the script:

local lTimerID -- variable holding the message ID of the delayed
revDocsFilterTerms message

on rawKeyUp
  if the label of button "Filter Type" is "Scroll to:" then
    lock screen
    if me is empty then -- scroll back to top
      set the hilitedLines of field "List" to 1
    else -- scroll to first term matching what's typed at its start
      put lineOffset(return & me, field "List") + 1 into currentLine
      if currentLine > 1 then -- typed field matches a line
        set the hilitedLines of field "List" to currentLine
        set the scroll of field "List" to \
            (currentLine - 1) * the effective textHeight of field "List"
      end if
    end if
    unlock screen
  else -- "Filter with:"
    if me is empty then -- show all terms
      if "revDocsFilterTerms" is in the pendingMessages then cancel lTimerID
      set the htmlText of field "List" to the completeHtmlContents of field
      if "revDocsFilterTerms" is not in the pendingMessages then
        send "revDocsFilterTerms" to me in 200 milliseconds
        put the result into lTimerID
        cancel lTimerID
        send "revDocsFilterTerms" to me in 200 milliseconds
        put the result into lTimerID
      end if
    end if
    set the hilitedLines of field "List" to 1
  end if
end rawKeyUp

on returnInField
  if the hilitedLines of field "List" is empty then set the hilitedLines of
field "List" to 1
  send "mouseDown" to field "List"
end returnInField

on enterInField
end enterInField

on revDocsFilterTerms
  lock screen
  lock messages
  set the htmlText of field "List" to the completeHtmlContents of field "List"
  put the text of field "List" into tPlainLines
  put the text of me into textToFilterOn
  filter field "List" with "*" & the text of me & "*"
  set the wholeMatches to true
  repeat for each line thisLine in field "List"
    if textToFilterOn is not in word 1 to -2 of thisLine then next repeat
    put line lineOffset(thisLine,tPlainLines) of the completeHtmlContents
of field "List" \
        & return after filteredListOfTerms
  end repeat
  replace (return & return) with return in filteredListOfTerms
  set the htmlText of field "list" to filteredListOfTerms
  if line 1 of field "List" is empty then delete line 1 of field "List"
  set the hilitedLines of field "List" to 1
  unlock screen
  unlock messages
end revDocsFilterTerms

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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